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Jarrow Formulas Jarro-dophilus + Eps

  Jarrow Formulas Jarro-dophilus + Eps

Jarrow Formulas Jarro-dophilus + Eps
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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Fem Dophilus Jarrow Formulas Fem Dophilus, 30 Capsules

Fem Dophilus Jarrow Formulas Fem Dophilus, 30 Capsules

Fem Dophilus Jarrow Formulas Fem Dophilus, 30 Capsules

Fem Dophilus Jarrow Formulas Fem Dophilus, 30 Capsules

  • Promotes the health of the vaginal and urinary tract
  • Provides Lactobacillus reuteri and Lactobacillus rhamnosus
  • Backed by 20 years of research
Fem Dophilus Jarrow Formulas Fem Dophilus, 30 Capsules

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Dophilus Jarrow Formulas Jarrow Formulas Jarro-dophilus EPS, 120 Capsules

Dophilus Jarrow Formulas Jarrow Formulas Jarro-dophilus EPS, 120 Capsules

Dophilus Jarrow Formulas Jarrow Formulas Jarro-dophilus EPS, 120 Capsules

Dophilus Jarrow Formulas Jarrow Formulas Jarro-dophilus EPS, 120 Capsules

My husband had seen countless specialists, and was diagnosed Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Hiatal Hernia, Acid Reflux and was prescribed meds that cost HUNDREDS of dollars per month (Nexium $250+, Reglan, Prilosec, etc.)
He tried probiotics and has miraculously been rid of all the symptoms. He can even go off of them awhile and start them back up if/when the symptoms begin to surface.

Jarrow brand has given him the best results, and Walgreens brand is okay. He has tried many brands, and by far he recommends these. I cannot claim these are a cure for anything, but if you are having persistent acid reflux, heartburn, or diarrhea I cannot urge you enough to at least try these for a month. My husband suffered for years in his thirties, now he can eat what he wants. I am a nurse and was his biggest skeptic; now I am a believer. Trust me, I've seen a lot of herbs hyped, but this one has me sold.

I have also heard women take these for symptoms of vaginal yeast infection and have great results. 

Dophilus Jarrow Formulas Jarrow Formulas Jarro-dophilus EPS, 120 Capsules

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Jarrow Formulas Jarro-dophilus + Eps

Jarrow Formulas Jarro-dophilus + Eps

Jarrow Formulas Jarro-dophilus + Eps

Jarrow Formulas Jarro-dophilus + Eps

Save up to 20% on Select Vitamins and Supplements Spend $XXand save 10%, spend $XX and save 15%, or spend $45 and save 20% on select products. Learn more
Jarrow Formulas Jarro-dophilus + Eps